Monday, October 23, 2017

Curiosity Catcher

Atlas Obscura Explorer’s Journal: Let Your Curiosity Be Your Compass – Atlas Obscura (Workman Publishing)

I love reading stories about writers who seemed to know from birth that they were going to string words together for a living. They often make it sound as if writing is a painful process akin to giving birth to their creation. To be honest, I never really gave it much thought as to why I chose communication as my career path. 

If pressed I guess I would have to say it comes down to two things; I am blessed/cursed with an unquenchable curiosity about things and I have an odd fascination with the tools of the trade, I love great pens and cool notebooks.
Over the course of time, I have amassed a large collection of both. There is just something special about cracking open a fresh notebook or journal and putting ideas down on paper. My family often graces me with pitying glances has I sort through the stacks of notebooks on my desk for whatever project I happen to be working on.

That said, I think that obsession is at the root of why I like the Atlas Obscura Explorer’s Journal: Let Your Curiosity Be Your Compass so much. It is the perfect mix of handy journal and the fan to the flames of my curiosity. With a 58-page index of useful stuff, information that can bring you closer to topics at hand as you travel, with an abbreviated guide to the curiosities of 12 cities around the globe combined with a 112 page journal for jotting drawing and mapping.

 The Atlas Obscura Explorer’s Journal, comes with a variety of grid styles, unruled and ruled pages which can tackle any job. I have become a fan of the lay-flat binding, which is easier to use then a stiffer, hard back style binding. The package is perfect for everyone from the casual journal-er to hard core explorer for capturing thoughts on paper.

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