Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Swap Draining Made Easy!

Donald Drains the Swamp - Eric Metaxas and Tim Raglin (Regnery Publishing)

It is a singular concept so simple, so basic to the very foundation that our country was built upon, that even a liberal should be able to understand it. Sadly they probably won't, because they will play party politics ahead of country.

In his new (children's?) book, Eric Metaxas and cartoonist Tim Raglin give  us their take on the roots of the Presidency of Donald J. Trump with, Donald Drains the Swamp, by using a parable that takes us back to the roots of our country and the immortal words of President Abraham Lincoln that ours, is a "government of the people, by the people and for the people."

Metaxas sets the story against the backdrop of a group of cavemen and their King, who goes off to live in an actual swamp and while he leads, he ignores the cave-people that he rules and does his own thing, his own way. The story continues that the people he rules, rise up and bring forth a new leader to speak to the King and try to get him to understand the needs of the people.

This new intermediary is a cave builder, named Donald who builds caves envied by everyone in the land. when Donald gets gets frustrated about being ignored, he sets about digging a "huge" trench to drain the swamp. Donald he goes as far as to assure that the trench will "even come in below budget." It's a this point the people join him and help dig the trench, speeding the process of draining the swamp and in the process getting the attention of the aloof King.

This will be a fun book for your kids, but it may make the perfect gift for your annoying liberal friend who just can't quite get over the fact that Hilary Clinton lost. Bringing them to their knees and howling at the sky by slipping them a gift wrapped copy is my definition of FUN! 

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